The latest CAPAZ Policy Brief is called «Contributions to the agendas of LGBTI organizations and activism in peacebuilding». It gathers the contents of such agendas and suggestions for these organizations to influence public policies and follow up on the commitments…

The Education and Science Diplomacy project is coming to an end. However, we still have some content left to share. One of these is the CAPAZ OnePager that we are launching this week. What is a OnePager? A OnePager is…

Cátedra Interuniversitaria Legado comisión de la Verdad CAPAZ
The International Inter-University Chair Continuing the Road to Peace: The Legacy of Colombia’s Truth Commission is an initiative intended to strengthen the appropriation of the legacy of the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition (CEV), through a…

Columna Kai Ambos El Espectador Regulación Cannabis
Dr. Kai Ambos, professor of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Comparative Criminal Law, International Criminal Law and Public International Law at the University of Göttingen (Germany), and judge of the Special Court for Kosovo (The Hague), wrote a column for El…

Podcast segundas generaciones Nodo Alemania
Following the success of the first episode in which we talked about the experiences of second generations, Nodo Alemania‘s team in support of the Truth Commission realized that this topic has not yet been fully explored, and that as Colombians…