Working Papers

The working document entitled “Civic education in Germany: Development and aspects of the current discussion” is CAPAZ’ most recent publication (Working Document 2-2019). Its author is Prof. Dr. Bernd Overwien, professor of civic education didactics at the University of Kassel,…

The German-Colombian Peace Institute CAPAZ  recently published its first working paper in 2019 entitled: “El derecho al acceso progresivo a la propiedad de la tierra” (The right to the progressive access to the land ownership), written by Diana Carolina Sanabria…

Salas Salazar, L.G., Camelo, F.E., Wolff, J. (noviembre de 2018). Dinámicas territoriales de la violencia y del conflicto armado antes y después del acuerdo de paz con las FARC-EP. Estudio de caso: municipio de Tumaco, Nariño. Documento de trabajo 1-2018.…

The German-Colombian Peace Institute, CAPAZ publishes its first working paper “Territorial dynamics of the violence and armed conflict before and after the peace accord with the FARC-EP. Case study: Tumaco, Nariño”. This paper has been written by researchers Luis Gabriel…