Administrative Director of CAPAZ participates in the launch of the book “Construyendo territorios de paz entre el campo y la ciudad”
The Geography programme at Universidad Externado de Colombia will launch the book: “Construyendo territorios de paz entre el campo y la ciudad – Agroecologías urbanas y circuitos agroalimentarios para la paz”, as one of the activities of the second version of the GeoRaizAL Conference.
The launch event will take place on Thursday, August 22, 2019, at 2:00 p.m., at Universidad Externado de Colombia in Bogotá (Room E301) and will include a talk by CAPAZ Administrative Director, Dr. Carlos Nupia on the construction of peace territories between the countryside and the city. His paper will focus on peacebuilding in Colombia and German-Colombian academic cooperation from the experience of the CAPAZ Institute.
The publication compiles different agroecological and scientific initiatives from Colombia, Germany, Chile and Brazil, and presents reflections on urban agroecology and peace processes. The book is the result of cooperation between Universidad Externado de Colombia, the University of Hamburg and the Network of Critical Geographies, GeoRaizAL.
The GeoRaizAL 2019-II Conference is supported by CAPAZ and is proposed as a preparatory session for the XII Colombian Geography Congress this year, whose central theme will be geography for peacebuilding, specifically in the Thematic Axis 3 on political and historical geographies of armed conflict and peace.
For more information, please contact: georaizal@gmail.com
(Text: Claudia Maya. English version: Tiziana Laudato)