
CAPAZ Newsletter Issue No. 3 – August 2018

Dear readers: We are pleased to present our third issue of the CAPAZ Institute Newsletter. Save the date! The CAPAZ events starting in September in our headquarters at the Claustro de San Agustín in Bogota will be followed by the …

CAPAZ published the first Policy Brief of its Publication series

The German-Colombian Peace Institute CAPAZ is launching a new CAPAZ Publications series. The CAPAZ Policy Briefs report highly relevant political and social empirical research that supports policy definition and decision making.   The Policy Briefs include information about researchers’ policy…


The German-Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ is pleased to announce the publication of the recent special edition of PRIF SPOTLIGHT 10/2018, entitled “Colombia under the Duque government. Policy options to strengthen the peace process”.   The authors are Prof. Dr.…