CAPAZ meets directors and researchers at Universidad de Ibagué

CAPAZ meets directors and researchers at Universidad de Ibagué

Dr. Carlos Nupia (left) and the Universidad de Ibagué Chancellor, Dr. Hans-Peter Knudsen (right) during their meeting.

The CAPAZ strategy for working more closely with regional universities continued last week with Dr. Carlos Nupia’s -the Administrative Director- visit to Universidad de Ibagué. Dr. Nupia met with the University Chancellor, Dr. Hans-Peter Knudsen and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Diana Velasco, in order to find out about the university’s peace research advances. Dr. Knudsen talked about the university’s strategy in this endeavour and highlighted a number of projects that have been implemented in the area.

Dra. Diana Velasco, Vice-Chancellor  Universidad de Ibagué, welcomes the Instituto CAPAZ

Special mention goes to the “Paz y Región” (Peace and Region) initiative, which is a strategy of comprehensive training to involve future professionals and teachers in solving regional problems. Every semester, interdisciplinary student teams join local development projects in Tolima’s municipalities as part of their study plans.

During the visit, the CAPAZ Administrative Director also met with the university’s Outreach Division team to find out about its experience in the implementation of projects related to topics such as: legal assistance to victims of the armed conflict, formulation of territorial plans with peace components, schools for peace and human rights, and the consolidation of citizen participation in a number of Tolima’s municipalities.

The visit included an important meeting with a group of researchers that work on different peace-related aspects. Dr. Nupia gave a presentation on CAPAZ Institute activities and talked about initiatives such as the “Seminar on Forgiveness”, organised by the area of philosophy and education for peace with an emphasis on rural territories studies, implemented by the School of Political Science at Universidad de Ibagué.

Researchers and graduate students at Universidad de Ibagué during the CAPAZ presentation.

Finally, Dr. Nupia took part in the meeting held by the Red de Pensamiento: Gobernanza y Gestión de Conocimiento, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Red GCTI) (Thinking Network: Governance and the Management of Knowledge, Technology and Innovation) made up by academics from Colombian universities. One of the emerging topics in Red GCTI is the relationship between the production of scientific knowledge and its pertinence in dealing with the challenges of the peace process in Colombia. Universidad de Ibagué hosted the meeting, which took place on the 17 and 18 of August.






Further Information:

Iniciativa Paz y Región (Peace and Region Initiative). Universidad de Ibagué

Web Site:


Instagram: pazyregion_/