Contribution to the second edition of a volume on psychosomatic medicine: A CAPAZ-supported project

Contribution to the second edition of a volume on psychosomatic medicine: A CAPAZ-supported project

Cover of the Second Edition (Springer)

Researchers Sonia Díaz Monsalve and Andrés Cubillos collaborated on a chapter on psychosomatic medicine in Latin America, included in the second edition of the publication entitled “Psychosomatic Medicine: An International Guide for the Primary Care Setting” (Springer Nature, 2020). One of the editors for the volume is Prof. Dr. Michael Wirsching, from the University Medical Centre Freiburg (Klinik für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie) at the University of Freiburg. Dr. Wirsching is a spokesman for the university at CAPAZ.

The researchers coordinated the project on mental health in vulnerable populations in Colombia, supported by CAPAZ and other funding bodies.

Of interest about the project: “Improvement of the mental health of populations displaced to Colombia’s urban areas”

About the second edition (in English. Source: Springer)

“Now in its fully revised and expanded second edition, this volume is the definitive global resource on psychosocial problems. Containing several new chapters and featuring extensively updated contributions from experts in the field, this title takes a uniquely global approach in laying the foundations of bio psychosocial basic care and provides relevant information about the most common mental and psychosomatic problems and disorders. An extension of the cultural aspects of the individual clinical pictures and new contributions from China, Latin America, Russia, Iran, India, Africa and Myanmar, also about migration and mental health accompany this revision.”

More information about the publication (in English)


Sonia Diaz-Monsalve and Andres Cubillo, Development of Psychosomatic Medicine in the Latin American Region. In: K. Fritzsche, S. McDaniel, M. Wirsching (eds.), Psychosomatic Medicine – An International Guide for the Primary Care Setting. 2nd ed. p. 309-315, Springer Nature, Heidelberg 2020


(Text NW004-2020: Claudia Maya, English version: Tiziana Laudato)