Join the CAPAZ School of Online Courses for its open session on punk in Medellín
The online session, “A paso de punk: An online walk through the Castilla neighbourhood (Medellín)”, on music, violence and peace in Latin America, is one of the open sessions offered by the CAPAZ School of Online Courses (ECV). Special guests will include Carlos Alberto David, drummer of the band Desadaptadoz from Medellín and author of the book “Mala hierba”, and Professor Rafael Quishpe, linked to the Universidad del Rosario and academic coordinator of the online course.
The session will be held on Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. (Colombia time), and broadcast live on the CAPAZ YouTube channel.
Those interested can join us at: https://www.musicaviolenciaypaz.com/
The multimedia platform is highly comprehensive and offers background information on the course modules and the open sessions. The course’s previous open session dealt with the musical genre of corridos in Colombia.
Listen to the recording of the event on corridos in Colombia (previous open session of this course, in Spanish)
(NW: Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)