Workshop on Territorial Peace and Property in Colombia

Workshop on Territorial Peace and Property in Colombia

In October 11, 2017 will start in Göttingen (Germany) the workshop entitled: “Territorial Peace and Property: A critical look at the Havana Agreements”. The event is organized in the framework of the explorative project funded by the CAPAZ Institute: “Regime of land tenure in the Department of Meta”, which is implemented by the University of Göttingen, the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and the Universidad Santo Tomás (Villavicencio).

During the workshop, researchers coming from Germany and Colombia will analyze topics such us: environmental peace, territorial conflicts and illegal mining; the legal dimension of the victims of the forced displacement in Colombia and the assessment and monitoring of the implementation of the Colombian Victims Act in relation to the process of land restitution. (See the agenda of the workshop in Spanish).

The objective of the project “Regime of land tenure in the Department of Meta” is to carry out a systematic compilation of basic data regarding the agricultural reality in conflict zones, especially the one related to land tenure, and an analysis of the legal instruments of the State to allocate private and public lands to peasants, particularly to Agricultural Family Units.

The project will be oriented towards a comparative study with Germany. Germany can contribute with its experience in land restitution, which occurred after the reunification of the country in 1990. This approach is useful to address the problem of wasteland in Colombia. One of the expected outcomes of the project is an academic publication about the agricultural and legal challenges of the land in Colombia. This publication will analyze the instruments used by the Colombian Government to allocate wastelands.