«Between Rifles and Accordions – Collecting and Analyzing Music from the FARC»
11 May, 2020
|«Whilst homemade music videos produced by the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) have been circulating around forums and YouTube for some years, there has been very little effort to systematically collect and analyze the wealth of music produced by the group. Rafael Quishpe is a political scientist and researcher at Rosario University in Bogotá, Colombia. I caught up with him about a project he recently conducted to fill this gap, collating and analyzing music produced by the FARC between 1988-2018. His project, Entre fusiles y acordeones: base de datos de la música de las FARC-EP (1988-2018), identified some 700 songs, but with many CDs in limited pressings and some works still not digitalized, he believes the true number to be well over a thousand».
. Between Rifles and Accordions – Collecting and Analyzing Music from the FARC. In: Sounds and Colors. 11 May, 2020. Recovered on 23.7.2020 from: [https://soundsandcolours.com/articles/colombia/between-rifles-and-accordions-collecting-and-analyzing-music-from-the-farc-51727/]