Call for applications for a consultant for the Truth Commission’s investigation of the Buenaventura case
This call for applications is part of the “Stabilisation of the peace process in Colombia through justice, truth and protection of human rights” project, designed to strengthen Colombia’s Integral System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition from an academic standpoint. The initiative is led by CAPAZ, with funding from the German Federal Foreign Office.
CAPAZ would like to invite interested applicants to apply under the following parameters:
Number of vacancies available: one (1) vacancy.
Type of contract: service provision.
Contractual purpose: To provide professional services to prepare and analyse documents related to the trajectory of the armed conflict in the district of Buenaventura in order to fuel the Ethnic Chapter of the Truth Commission’s Final Report.
Place of execution: Buenaventura, Colombia.
Contract duration: 4 months (August – November 2021).
Payment: 37 million pesos ($37.000.000) divided into three partial payments against delivery of the three deliverables listed in the call description.
Terms of Reference (.pdf, in Spanish)
All documents should be sent in a single PDF file with the reference “Selección consultor(a) Buenaventura” to: convocatorias@instituto-capaz.org no later than July 26, 2021.
Note: Applications that are incomplete or that do not reach us by the deadline will not be considered nor will any applications, questions or concerns sent to other CAPAZ institutional emails. Please refrain from contacting other institutional accounts.
(NW: CAPAZ. English: Tiziana Laudato)