Registration open for victims of the armed conflict to attend national meeting on audiovisual memory

Victims of the armed conflict in Colombia will be heard during the online roundtable “Working together to build a dignifying place for audio-visual memory”, an initiative designed to reflect on the possible contribution of audio-visual productions to the psycho-emotional recovery of victims. The online meeting will take place on Thursday, February 25, 2021, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Colombia time), through the Zoom platform.
Those wishing to attend the meeting may register until Friday, February 19, 2021 by filling out the online form.
What is the initiative about?
Guided by journalists, psychologists, and researchers, the roundtable will be a space to listen to and compile the visions and experiences of the victims of the armed conflict in different parts of Colombia, with a view to contributing to the design of the Audio-visual Memory Centre for Peace in Tolima, as part of the CAPAZ- supported project.
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The activity is an initiative implemented by CAPAZ, Universidad de Ibagué, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, and the University of Freiburg in Germany.
Who can join and how?
Any victim of the armed conflict in Colombia (formally registered or not) may join us.
Those interested can join the meeting via Zoom or in person at the Central Auditorium at Universidad de Ibagué. Strict biosecurity protocols will be followed and there will be computers, internet access, and support from technical staff and monitors to help attendees to connect. Victims who have difficulties with internet connectivity in their place of residence may also request support.
Once registered, people who have taken part in an audio-visual production (as interviewee, protagonist, director or journalist in a video, television program or film, both fiction and documentary) will share their experiences as part of the corresponding discussion panel. Those who have not taken part in the production, will also be able to share their contributions in other discussion panels available for this purpose. All those who take part will receive a certificate of participation.
We ask all those who work with or are in some way close to victims of the armed conflict to support us in extending this invitation to them.
More information and contact: sandra.patino@unibague.edu.co | cmaudiovisualtolima@gmail.com | Cell phone: 315 3759049 – 300 4647897.
Press release (.pdf, in Spanish)
(NWText: Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)