CAPAZ Projects

Miembros de la comunidad de Pescador participaron en el taller. Foto: Diana Quintero
The workshop called “Compartiendo experiencias y sueños” (Sharing experiences and dream) and involving the local community of victims of the armed conflict was held on March 6, 2020 at Colegio Guillermo León Valencia in the Pescador de Caldono village in…

Portada "Paz y reconciliación"
“Entre fusiles y acordeones: cancionero de música fariana” (Among shotguns and accordions: Fariana music songbook) is the title given to a series of three songbooks published in August 2019, as part of a CAPAZ-supported research project which examined musical production…

Cover of the guide. Universidad del Cauca
We are pleased to present the guide entitled: “Guardias indígenas, afrodescendientes, campesinas. Trayectos y desafíos, departamento del Cauca” (Indigenous, Afro-descendant and peasant women Guards. Trajectories and challenges in the department of Cauca), a publication by authors Axel Rojas and Vanessa…

Foto: Carlos Nupia
From 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 13, 2020, the conference “Memory and Heritage in the Colombian Pacific” will be held at the Cultural Centre of the Banco de la República in Buenaventura, Colombia. The guest speakers are Mónica…

The German-Colombian Peace Institute (CAPAZ) is pleased to publish the results of its 2019 call for research projects. We would like to highlight that of the 100 or more applications received, only 42 fulfilled the requirements for the call. Finally,…