
Here you can find current news about the peace process, the peace agreement, their implementation and the contribution of the German-Colombian Peace Institute.

Fourth version of the Peace Slam in Stuttgart

Following three Peace Slams in Colombia, the fourth will be held in Germany. What is Peace Slam? The Peace Slam is a public space in which research papers or projects are presented in a fun and creative way. The Slam…

Session No.15: implementation and follow-up of CEV recommendations

Welcome to the seventh session of the International Inter-University Chair. On this occasion, the event will take place in Salón Auditorio, Uniandes Caribe – Edificio Corporativo Serena del Mar – piso 3, Anillo vial Km 8, on Friday, November 18,…

Political education in CAPAZ OnePager #10

The CAPAZ Education and Science Diplomacy project continues on with its OnePagers. This, the tenth, is entitled “Forum for Peace. An initiative of peace education and citizen participation in Eastern Antioquia”. The OnePager describes the Foro por la Paz project,…